Chamber Corner: Memorial Day, Job Openings, and Town Meeting
If you had to rank your favorite times of year is one month increments, the month of May would probably rank number three for me. Thanksgiving-Christmas is number one (obviously) with the month of October number two (I love the Fall).
But, this is a fun time of year. The kids are excited to get out of school and start summer break. Plus, you have the weather officially turning nice, which means lots of grilling out, graduation parties, taking walks outside, and Mother’s Day. Enjoy it while you can.
Also, May finishes off with Memorial Day. A time to reflect on those who gave their life while serving our country. It’s a somber thought, but also a time of celebration. Celebrating the lives they did live and their selflessness defending our freedom’s. Plan to attend Walnut’s Memorial Day Service on Monday, May 29th. It all begins at 10 a.m. at the Veteran’s Memorial as the Honor Guard will walk the Avenue of the Flags to the cemetery. Ron Eckberg will be the guest speaker and provide special music.
Several of our businesses in town are currently hiring. Social Media and The Walnut Leader are the best sources to find who is currently hiring if you are looking for a job in Walnut. Just in the past few weeks, there have been job openings at TCI Manufacturing, Walnut Custom Components, Konz Restaurant & Lounge, Avanti’s, Walnut Family Farms, and Green River Country Club.
Speaking of TCI, did you see in the Leader they are starting a Learning Center, which is a FREE eight week course that teaches welding, blue print reading and an introduction to hand tools? What a great opportunity for those looking to learn new job skills. Great job TCI.
Before I close, I want to mention the Town Meeting to be held June 12th. The Working on Walnut Group chose the Walnut Community Bible Church as the venue due to air conditioning, handicap accessibility, plenty of seating and a projector and video board already installed. We hope you can attend to see what the WOW group is working on and what their goals are. We need your help too. It’s not too late to join a committee! More information coming.
I’ll close with the words of Brian, buy a building and shop Walnut whenever you can.
Brent Jamison, Director