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Chamber Corner: WOW Update

The Working on Walnut Coordinating Council met on Thursday night. Here is a re-cap on the latest from WOW.

The Retail and Dining Committee is in the midst of planning the Taste of Walnut, to be held Saturday, May 5th. The group had tickets printed that are currently for sale. Cost for adults is $15 for advanced tickets or $20 at the door. Children 3-10 are $5. Under 3 is free. It is highly encouraged to buy your tickets early so the committee knows how much to have the restaurants prepare for. The committee also reported on a successful Cash Mob at the Grocery Store in March. They also went through business idea suggestions that were turned in at the 1-year WOW meeting. Lots of great ideas were presented with a coffee shop/bakery being the number one response.

The Sports and Recreation Committee have a few events coming up. They are having a disc golf day on April 28th, which will be a fun family event at the Park District. The Council reviewed a brochure that is being put together for the proposed bike/walk trail. The brochure, when completed, will be distributed to the public. The school is collecting the plastic caps from bottles which will hopefully be recycled into benches for the trail. Sports and Rec will also hold a Nerf War, with the help of the Boy Scouts, at Sunset Ridge MX on June 21 and 22. Help is needed for that event.

The Council also was given a report on the WOW sub-committee that met with members of the village board to discuss the Fritz Building. A plan is needed, whether it be to take down or renovate. The first focus will be stabilizing the wall so Liberty Street can be opened back up.

The WOW council also reviewed brochures that were created for WOW to educate the public on who WOW is and why they exist.

As you can see WOW continues to stay active. We are always welcoming new members to the committee so if you are interested let me know at

I know the weather hasn’t been great, but warmer weather is coming. One sign of that is Mama T’s is back open for the season and ice cream is now available again at Shell.

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